On another walk-about

Sue and I are headed south to the warm state of Florida.  While we are there we plan to take a boat to the bottom of the Keys and ride our tandem back to the mainland.

If any of you readers would like for us to drop in on our way south, we would love to if it fits into our planned approximate course.

Just let us know. Have a great March here in the subarctic!

Cancer treatment

I have lost many friends to this horrible disease.  If you know someone or are personally involved with terminal cancer you should listen to this show.  Although this treatment is not yet available in this country, it is available in parts of Europe.  That is a long way to travel but a short distance if it saves a life!


Finding One’s Way

I have written many times about the numerous non-truths that exist in our world.  One of my favorites is our eating habits.  I am ready to announce the results of my latest eating experiment on yours truly, me.  About a year ago I was gaining weight despite excessive exercise, eating less, still seeing my blood pressure approach 160/85,  while seeing my blood sugar gradually increasing.  Having spent much of my life pursuing a healthful life-style, I was somewhat confused.  Why was this happening to me?  Yeah, I am getting older so one must expect things to start breaking down, but I was not ready to moth ball the old tennis shoes at 62.  My son started talking to me about a new approach to eating called PRIMAL or THE CAVE MAN DIET.  As always I began collecting information and as always my friends had to endure long sessions of my expounding on it.  The concept is quite simple: eat the way a person would eat when we were primitive.  Said another way, eat all things that come directly from the earth, not chemistry labs.  Shop around the perimeter of the food store where the meats, dairy, cheese, vegetables, fruit and generally healthier food are.  Stay away from the middle of the store where all the processed food is shelved.

So now the unveiling of the new me:  I have lost over 15 pounds while my body fat ranges around 14%.  My blood pressure, the last time I measure it, was 125/73 and my blood sugar has returned to its normal levels.

I know many people who are struggling mightily with their weight; I believe this new way of eating, not to be confused with the word diet, is the way to go.  All you have to do is eat REAL food, not processed food.

The really cool thing with this way of eating is that you can eat as much as you want as long as it is real food.


Carriso may be leaving

Maybe we have been given some breathing room in our effort to slow down the mad rush to explore the natural gas in Hampshire County. Due to lowered production expectation, lower revenue, negative public sentiment and general public outcry, the Carriso Gas Company has decided to pull up stakes and cease exploratory drilling in Hampshire County.  Having been involved with this issue for more than a year, I am somewhat relieved that our beautiful county will not become an industrial wasteland.

One big feather in our cap is that we stopped the building of a recycling plant along the river due in large part to the intense negative reaction of the courageous residents living along River Road.  Of course, some folks still believe that jobs were stifled and our county was kept from moving forward.  But how will the future judge us?  For now our county remains pristine and our precious water pure for the foreseeable future.  I say this is a win for all residents of Hampshire County!


Check it out yourself.


The Gingrich That Stole Christmas


Although I tend to a Democrat by nature, I have a hard time believing either political party has a clue as to what is happening in this country.  But I have to sit back and laugh at the poor Republicans who just got a lump of coal for Christmas.  Newt, who could be one of the meanest, dirtiest, ‘self-servingest’, wife-swapping politicians we have had in a long time may be the Republican nominee for the upcoming election!  And then there is the other horse in the pack, Mitt Romney. Very few can really warm up to Mitt, who has more money and pays fewer taxes than God.  Being a Mormon certainly is not a real plus either.  Most polls say that Obama will win the next election which makes being on the Republican ticket a real downer, although history has told us many times these polls sometimes lead us astray.

I must admit, being older makes election season time so much more fun.  At this point in my life, I have heard every one of these glorious promises but not witnessed any of them coming true.  This allows me to sit back and smile while they ramble on and on about stuff that should be in children’s books.  Here are a few that are particularly amusing concepts.  At the top of my list is, fixing the school system, which is never going happen.  Close behind are: balancing the budget while lowering taxes to keep the rich happy, fighting ridiculous wars, providing affordable healthcare for all Americans, fixing the infrastructure, propping up social security ( which now has special meaning to me having just reached 62), sending a man to Mars and metaphorically  paving the streets with gold.  And we are going to do all this with a diminishing industrial base and a population that is becoming dumber by the minute!  Yahoo, I cannot wait to vote!