The age of The Women

I am seeing signs each day that we as a culture are leaving the patriarchal based society behind. I believe that we are entering a time when the abilities of women are going to shine. My mom was in the beginning of this movement, she placed rivets in the wings and fuselage of airplanes during WW II while the men did what they do best, fight and kill. Two major changes were brought on by this revolutionary change, men were now replaceable by women in much of the workplace, and women for the first time realized that they could do other things in addition to caring for children and making meals.

As a young man I often observed the roles of the sexes and wondered why they were as they were. My mom who was somewhat liberated by the war maintained the house and most of my life held down a job which allowed our family to be a part of the growing American middle class. My dad held down a good job working for the United Airlines. Although they were not the happiest couple, they managed to stay together until they passed despite my mom threatening to leave many times. This leads us to my next point.

I have often said that men have screwed the world up in so many ways that it is time for a different order. It is time for the women of our society to become major decision makers in the world. If you have not noticed, this is already happening at a very fast pace. 75% of the prime time news anchors on one major network are women. The US Senate has gone from 2% women in 1990 to 25% women today. The US Congress has almost identical numbers. Women CEO’s for fortune 500 companies has risen from 2 in 2000 to 37 today. General Motors, the epicenter of testosterone has a woman CEO! Women are becoming major players in every aspect of society.

Guys, I realize we have been the hunters, bread winners, athletes and protectors for quite a long time and in some of these areas we did a good job, but in some of these areas we fall way short. Couple this with the idea that society has moved away from many of our strengths. No longer is it cool to beat someone up or face them down with some enormous biceps. Many women have learned to protect themselves thus not relying on a male protector. Many women now carry a gun which levels most any field.

In our long journey to today’s society, I am sure women have, at times, been more involved with maintaining order in certain cultures. But generally they allowed the men to play the big strong leader. It is very interesting that the Afro-American society is generally matriarchal. I had never really considered this idea until a friend mentioned it to me. I found these stats with a little research from the US Census.

For all groups, the percentage of never married men in 1970 was 28.1%, compared to 22.1% of women. By 2020, these figures rose to 35.8% and 30.0%, respectively. However, in 1970, 35.6% of Black men and 27.7% of Black women were never married, but by 2020, these percentages had jumped to 51.4% for Black men and 47.5% for Black women.

I think this implies that Black women were not inclined to get married, especially to a black man. There are a number of ways to interpret this and I dare not try, but hidden in this data is some very important ideas. My point is, I believe the black society is generally matriarchal in nature. The women seem to be the stability of the families. I do realize I am way out on a limb here but it is something to think about.

I see the future, if its not too late, as being heavily influenced by women. It is my belief that women will be less likely to go to war, destroy the environment or be dictators. You can go to the following link of women dictators. In our culture women who are seen as strong and aggressive are described in not so nice terms where as men who are this way are described a good, strong leaders…Interesting.

So, there you have it, my take on our future. Women will emerge and possibly be the answer we are looking for. This could be a more calm, less testosterone driven world. Maybe that is the 1000 years of peace that the bible makes reference to…One thing is for sure, many of us are going to find out if I am right. Buckle up!

Have you noticed how much corporations love you

I am sure this has been going on since the beginning of corporations, but they are getting so good at it. With the use of psychology and behavioral science big business is spending unimaginable amounts of money and time convincing all of us that they truly love us. For example, big pharmacy has inundated the airways and print with an uncountable number of drugs that guarantee to make your life better. The law made them tell you all the bad things that can happen but they won’t happen to you, trust me. Big auto has decided that you need a car about every time you replace your shoes and… you will become a more beautiful sexy women if you drive the right car. Have you noticed the two new kids on the ‘We want your money block”? It is now becoming fashionable to insure your cars for maintenance work and your pets. The car maintenance insurance people say they will save you large amounts of money maintaining your car because it has become soooo expensive to get it fixed. What this amounts to is that you are unable to store some money away in case your car has a breakdown that could be expensive. So, they will take your money monthly and store it away for you, while they invest and loan it out to make additional millions, and if you have no claims, they will keep your money. Sounds like a great deal for someone. I am sure you have noticed that there are far less vehicles stranded along the side of the road then ever before. This is because cars do not break down as often. Granted, when they do break down, you may have to rob a bank to pay to get it fixed.

Now, pet insurance is a whole different issue. You may know that many Americans and most of the undeveloped world do not have health insurance. But here in the USA and other developed parts of the world we can buy insurance for our pets. If you do not have a pet, you have not been exposed to the giant increased cost of trips to the vet. My problem here is, many of our own people need medical attention and can’t afford it, yet we have the funds buy insurance to cover our animals. Somehow this seems a little topsy-turvy. Yes, we should treat animals with compassion and love but if we have to choose between a pet and a human being, shouldn’t that choice be the human? Of course the insurance companies love the idea that they are taking a little bit more of your resources.

Lets look at this for a few moments. First and most important, who do you think is the richest, most cash laden business in the world? Ill bet you say oil companies or Apple computer or maybe Jeff Bezos. Well, let’s spend a few moments thinking about that question. What business takes in money continuously during depressions, recessions and boom times without missing a beat? What industry takes your money every month and only once in a while pays it out? What industry runs to the government for assistance when a disaster occurs and they have to spend what they consider too much of their own accumulated money? What business decides, that due to increased possibility of catastrophe, they will simply end your policy and go somewhere else? I am sure you have guessed it by now, THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY!

One last thing, those ads on TV that talk about life insurance for elderly people. When they say $9.95/month is all it costs, please understand that that number is per $1000 of insurance. That means if you get $10,000 of insurance, it will cost you almost $100 per month! If you would have deposited $100/month, you would have accumulated $10,000 and at 5% interest you would have a cool $12,500. In under 7 years you would have accumulated around $10,000 that is your money when you are ALIVE, not dead.! So, unless you are planning on leaving us real soon, save your money.

Oh, I can’t leave this out. In the 1970’s, Exxon did a study of the effects of consuming large amounts of oil over extended time. As a result of their study, they raised the distance above the water for all water placed oil rigs. What do you think they were thinking? Now look at all the ads on TV that tell you how much the oil industry loves you and the earth as they continue to promote the burning of fossil fuel…but the oil rigs are good for another 100 years…just saying…And in case you are a little slow and did not pick up on that idea, Exxon, not the tree huggers or those commie environmentalists, said the sea was going to rise because of CO2.