The death penalty

That sounds so scary to me. It is something a very small number of people spend any time thinking about. Yes, the media likes to talk about it and when a state has decided to use it, it is big news.

This may sound slightly disconnected but I believe it is a thought worth pursuing. Recently, a friend of mine came home and discovered her cat lying in a strange position on the floor. When she left several hours before, it was lying in a different spot but seemed to be OK. Upon further inspection, it became obvious that the cat could not stand up. The cat’s left eye did not seem right either. It was obvious that the cat was in considerable pain. She called the vet and asked if they could see her promptly and they said to bring the kitty right in. After an inspection, the vet determined that the cat more than likely had a stroke, and due to its age of 15 years, it might be best to relieve her pain and put him down.

The procedure was simple. The vet first gave him a sedative to help relieve the pain and after the cat settled into a relaxed state, administered the euthanasia shot to end the kitty’s suffering. Tears ran down both of our cheeks as we watched kitty leave this world behind.

After this terrible ordeal was over and I had time to collect my thoughts, I began to think of what we call THE DEATH PENALTY. We could debate this issue until the sun falls from the sky and not be any closer to an agreement. Let’s face facts, it is the termination of a human being, there is no other way to define it. The Bible says, “THOUGH SHALT NOT KILL”. It does not offer a list of possible exceptions to this law. The question I pose to you is, “Why is this procedure so much more difficult when it comes to humans?” The five year average number of executions in the USA is 18.6. Each time one of these occur we are blasted by the media with mountains of information on the procedure used to execute the execution! I witnessed an incredibly humane event with the passing of my friend’s cat. Somebody explain to me why it is so different for people. Is the horrible death part of the punishment?

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