The fight of/for your life

I could not decide if “of” or “for” is a better option, so I used both. As I approach the 75th year of my life, I, like most people in this age bracket, start to see the world in different ways. Realizing that I have a life expectancy, everything I do is part of a legacy that will remain in a few minds for a few short years and then fade away. The question I pose to you is, how to spend these remaining Golden Years?

First and most important is to realize that life is a struggle, always has been and will continue to be. How we react to that struggle is what makes us who we are. From our early cave man relatives, who’s lives were on the proverbial line from the moment they were born till they died from a multitude of causes, to our modern society with uncountable ways to extend one’s life, its still a struggle. How we cope with this struggle determines the quality of our life which includes our senior years.

At the risk of this story being too long, let me get to the point. My motto has become, “Use it or lose it”. You were born with a beautiful body that is capable of amazing physical and mental feats. As a young dumb person, you probable just assumed that this would last forever. Time passed and suddenly you are in your 30’s and quickly headed to your 40’s. What seemed like overnight, suddenly things began to change. Running, which used to be second nature is becoming a little labored and may result in being winded. Your brain is probably still working fairly well but sometimes it seems to clog up. A quick game of basketball with your son is becoming an Olympic event complete with the muscle pains to follow. Then the 50’s come, and the 60’s and so on with each decade eroding your once beautiful body and mind!

Yes, many of these signs of aging are inescapable, but with hard work and dedication, many of these curses can be slowed down considerably. I know many people who have been overtaken by their lack of upkeep of their own bodies, who will religiously go out weekly and clean their car, inside and out and check the oil. These same folks never think of the need to check their own body’s oil. If you choose to ignore the needs of your body, do not whine when it starts breaking down in ways too large to count. Examples: if you never walk or run on a regular basis, do not expect your legs to keep working well. If you do nothing more than read the sports page, avoid stimulating conversation, play games on the computer, do not expect your brain to keep working at high levels. If you continue to fuel your body with pure carbohydrates and very little real food, do not expect your body to perform well as you age. Recently, scientists have started labeling dementia as Type 3 Diabetes. According to sources, our country’s per capita sugar consumption is 126 grams daily which is the highest in the world! If the idea of Type 3 diabetes turns out to be valid, that means that all you folks who are having cognitive issues need to cut back on the sugar. We in the USA consume more sugar than any society in the history of man!

So, regardless of your age and condition, you need to start using it…your body and mind! There probably is a point in your downhill slide where recovering is close to impossible, sorry for your loss. This is not an overnight fix! This is a lifestyle of treating your body with the respect it deserves and needs.

In summation I will say:

  1. Exercise until your HEART BEATS HARD whether this is walking briskly up a hill, running, swimming or riding a bike.
  2. Use your brain to do something challenging.
  3. Learn to eat right, avoiding the inner isles of the food store, in particular, avoid sugar!
  4. If you have an issue, research it as much as you can to determine the cure. If there are no good answers at that point, see a good doctor who will listen to you discuss your issue.
  5. If medications are suggested, find a good pharmacist and ask him the hard questions. It is the nature of some doctors to OVER MEDICATE!
  6. Spend time with people. Many studies claim that being alone shortens one’s life.


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