A tale of two states

What would you say if I told you there were two states, both totally republican run, both extraction states (which means they get much of their income by taking things from the earth), one with very little sales taxes charged to its residents, no income tax, no corporate taxes. One of these states has a stellar education system and one has a horrendous education system and a multitude of other financial problems? Lets compare Wyoming and West Virginia schools.

Check it out.


How does Wyoming’s tax code compare?

Wyoming does not have an individual income tax. Wyoming also does not have a corporate income tax. Wyoming has a 4.00 percent state sales tax, a max local sales tax rate of 2.00 percent, and an average combined state and local sales tax rate of 5.36 percent. Wyoming’s tax system ranks 1st overall on our 2023 State Business Tax Climate Index.

How does West Virginia’s tax code compare?

West Virginia has a graduated individual income tax, with rates ranging from 3.00 percent to 6.50 percent. There are also jurisdictions that collect local income taxes. West Virginia has a flat 6.50 percent corporate income tax rate and permits local gross receipts taxes. West Virginia has a 6.00 percent state sales tax rate, a max local sales tax rate of 1.00 percent, and an average combined state and local sales tax rate of 6.55 percent. West Virginia’s tax system ranks 20th overall on our 2023 State Business Tax Climate Index.

As you can see from the above data, West Virginia residents seem to pay more tax then Wyoming residents.

Why is this so and how is it possible for Wyoming to properly fund its education system, which includes paying its teachers a very fair wage, and having one of the top performing school systems in the USA?

With a little research you can see that the top 10 academic schools are in the Northeast. Wyoming ranks 14th and West Virginia ranks 34th. Wyoming pays their teachers over $61,000 and West Virginia pays it teachers almost $10,000 less.

Pennsylvania and Wyoming lead the nation as the best states to teach in America according to scholaroo.com. They are in the top 10 states for all three salary metrics — average starting salary, the average salary for teachers with a bachelor’s degree, and the average salary for teachers with a master’s degree — they are the only states that rank this high for salary and also fall outside of the top 10 for the highest cost of living. Not only do these teachers earn more, but they also pay less for basic living expenses, leaving them with more take-home pay.

With our group of ding-dongs “working” in Charleston, who will never read this article, or understand it purpose, we have a problem! If we want to become a viable state for companies to come to, education is the initial step. If we fund our schools properly, pay our teachers a fair salary, take our politically useless noise out of the day-to-day operation of schools and leave it up to the professionals, we might..someday…have a good education system. Granted, its a long shot!

From talking to people who understand the state school aid formula, I have become enlightened to the ridiculous system that we use in West Virginia. First and most important, all local monies go to the state (this is called micromanaging). From the state they are released to the counties based on a complicated formula that from my understanding few comprehend. This formula shackles the counties with arcane restrictions on how the money is used. The county is given virtually no wiggle room in deciding how the money is allocated. Each county must meet very different requirements to keep their school system functioning. Some sparsely populated counties must provide extensive transportation to small numbers of students. Some lower density counties must provide teachers for small groups of students which hampers a county’s ability to meet these needs.

There are many questions in this story. The most important one is why are our schools so terrible! Why are our test scores near the bottom most of the time. I have lived in Hampshire County for 50 years and nothing seems to change. Not only are we near the bottom, we are stuck to it! Most important, I do not directly blame teachers, administrators or board members. I will say we are all contributing to it since we elect people who can not make the needed changes. If I were to blame anyone, it would be the teachers, not for their level of teaching, we have many good teachers, but for gradually giving up their professional rights over the years! If this system is going to change, the people who were trained and care about it must stand up and insist that they need to be directly in charge of their profession! No other profession is dictated to in such elaborate careless ways on how to do their job! If I go to college for 4-5 years to become a teacher, then allow me to do what I was trained to do. In today’s world, teachers do not have time to go to the restroom, yet alone be effective teachers! Fill out this form, grade these ten stacks of papers, take attendance several times a day, give about 4-5 weeks of testing each year, do prep for 10 classes a day and don’t forget the state codes, send little Bobby’s parents a note every day telling them how he is doing, record all your grades on the computer and make sure you have a ton of them, do not fail kids, do not discipline kids, do not teach anything that might offend some parent even if it is in the curriculum, provide appropriate instruction to each of your 30 students who are scattered all over the intelligence and disability spectrum…Oh, did I mention teach?

I have said this to many people so I will say it here, “If parents knew and understood how poorly our school are performing, there would be picket lines around every school, every day!”

Below is a funny short video on the classroom. You may have to cut and paste this link.


The meaning of life…what is it?

Countless philosophers, teachers, clerics and just Joe Schmoes like me have grappled with this question. Not being shy to tackle a question like this, I thought I would give it a try. The scientist in me generally looks at questions like this from a different angle, so here it goes. Maybe the real question should be, what is the purpose of life? What’s the point? Does anyone benefit from our existence? Would anyone care if we were to just vanish in some cosmic cataclysmic event?

Wow, now that is a downer if I ever wrote one. It is pretty obvious that due to the immense size of the universe that our place here is rather tenuous at best. If a huge meteor were to strike the earth and turn it into space debris, I am pretty sure the rest of the universe would move on, probably totally oblivious to our demise. You do realize that life on earth has been through 5 MASS EXTINCTIONS since its beginning? In some of these extinction events, 95% of life was extinguished in a relatively short period of time. The last one is estimated to have caused the demise of 76% of all life on earth, just 65 million years ago!

So, what’s the point? Our very short time on earth is of no consequence to the universe. We go about our lives with little concern about our place in the cosmos. I have a theory that I would like to share with you. Maybe it is more like a philosophy. Here we go…

To start with, lets eliminate all the things that have absolutely nothing to do with your enjoyment of life. First on this list are things! Yes, nice cars, beautiful home and fabulous vacations add a little spice to the mix but I’m not sure they create true happiness if you start out unhappy. No matter how well the car handles, how fast it goes or how sleek it looks, the thrill will only last a short time. Jobs are another source of pretend happiness. If you are lucky enough to get a job you thoroughly enjoy, congratulations, you are among a small group of people! In our society, jobs provide the means to support our needs as well as the people we love. The cycle is pretty simple, consume-make money. This cycle is eternal, and each step is totally reliant on the other step. If you want to consume more, make more money. If you make more money than you can consume more, round and round we go. This is where the confusion lies. We have been programed to consume and make more money. We have been told from the beginning that to be happy, you must be part of this cycle. We have been taught to get pleasure from this cycle! The USA, one of the most consumer-based societies on earth ranks 23rd on the world happiness scale. Finland has been number one for the last 7 years.

So, what is the secret to enjoying your short stay on earth? Why are we here? I think the answer is fairly simple. The answer is in us! We are the directors of our movie. We decide if we want to enjoy ourselves or not. We make decisions on a moment-to-moment basis that determines our happiness. The one and only thing we have that provides large amounts of happiness is the people around us. Of course there are some that you may wish to avoid, that is understandable, but there are millions out there that are in search of the same thing everyone else is, happiness. There is no better joy than making a person’s day better or making a sad person laugh. Opening a door for a stranger or helping someone with their groceries at the store are all great ways to make people’s lives better. So, in summary, enjoy the people around you! Your house is not a castle with moats around it, it is a home where you meet with your family and friends as often as you can.

Happy Easter

The fight of/for your life

I could not decide if “of” or “for” is a better option, so I used both. As I approach the 75th year of my life, I, like most people in this age bracket, start to see the world in different ways. Realizing that I have a life expectancy, everything I do is part of a legacy that will remain in a few minds for a few short years and then fade away. The question I pose to you is, how to spend these remaining Golden Years?

First and most important is to realize that life is a struggle, always has been and will continue to be. How we react to that struggle is what makes us who we are. From our early cave man relatives, who’s lives were on the proverbial line from the moment they were born till they died from a multitude of causes, to our modern society with uncountable ways to extend one’s life, its still a struggle. How we cope with this struggle determines the quality of our life which includes our senior years.

At the risk of this story being too long, let me get to the point. My motto has become, “Use it or lose it”. You were born with a beautiful body that is capable of amazing physical and mental feats. As a young dumb person, you probable just assumed that this would last forever. Time passed and suddenly you are in your 30’s and quickly headed to your 40’s. What seemed like overnight, suddenly things began to change. Running, which used to be second nature is becoming a little labored and may result in being winded. Your brain is probably still working fairly well but sometimes it seems to clog up. A quick game of basketball with your son is becoming an Olympic event complete with the muscle pains to follow. Then the 50’s come, and the 60’s and so on with each decade eroding your once beautiful body and mind!

Yes, many of these signs of aging are inescapable, but with hard work and dedication, many of these curses can be slowed down considerably. I know many people who have been overtaken by their lack of upkeep of their own bodies, who will religiously go out weekly and clean their car, inside and out and check the oil. These same folks never think of the need to check their own body’s oil. If you choose to ignore the needs of your body, do not whine when it starts breaking down in ways too large to count. Examples: if you never walk or run on a regular basis, do not expect your legs to keep working well. If you do nothing more than read the sports page, avoid stimulating conversation, play games on the computer, do not expect your brain to keep working at high levels. If you continue to fuel your body with pure carbohydrates and very little real food, do not expect your body to perform well as you age. Recently, scientists have started labeling dementia as Type 3 Diabetes. According to sources, our country’s per capita sugar consumption is 126 grams daily which is the highest in the world! If the idea of Type 3 diabetes turns out to be valid, that means that all you folks who are having cognitive issues need to cut back on the sugar. We in the USA consume more sugar than any society in the history of man!

So, regardless of your age and condition, you need to start using it…your body and mind! There probably is a point in your downhill slide where recovering is close to impossible, sorry for your loss. This is not an overnight fix! This is a lifestyle of treating your body with the respect it deserves and needs.

In summation I will say:

  1. Exercise until your HEART BEATS HARD whether this is walking briskly up a hill, running, swimming or riding a bike.
  2. Use your brain to do something challenging.
  3. Learn to eat right, avoiding the inner isles of the food store, in particular, avoid sugar!
  4. If you have an issue, research it as much as you can to determine the cure. If there are no good answers at that point, see a good doctor who will listen to you discuss your issue.
  5. If medications are suggested, find a good pharmacist and ask him the hard questions. It is the nature of some doctors to OVER MEDICATE!
  6. Spend time with people. Many studies claim that being alone shortens one’s life.


Compassion for Dummies

I hear the word compassion a lot lately. So much so that I actually spent some time thinking about what it means. I believe I am a compassionate person most of the time. So I tried to think of situations in which I was not compassionate. The first one that came to mind is the way I treat people who call me on the phone trying to sell me something. I have contrived several situations to torment them, such as pretending I was so upset I was having a heart attack, or they were calling a crime scene and they may now be a suspect. I used to listen to the caller and then place the phone in front of the TV and let them talk to the TV for a spell. Many of these callers are calling from some third world country where they have one of the best jobs available. Now the hard part, they are human beings just like you and me trying to make their way through difficult situations, often times feeding their family or just plain surviving! They found a job and were trained to sell us something that we probably do not want. Most of us have jobs, a few of us have jobs we enjoy. Many of us have jobs that simply pay the bills as life grinds on. These poor people who were lucky enough to find a job should be commended. They are trained to harass you until you buy something and if they do not, they are fired! My new approach is, “thank you for calling, please do not call back and have a good day”. I think this is a relatively compassionate response.

Here is another example. We all have been on the phone with companies who have hired people from other countries to answer our questions about a product, or a phone issue or any number of things. This can be incredibly frustrating! Again, these people are living in a third world country, making subsistence salaries and probably raising a family on the few dollars they make harassing us. Yes, it is absolutely infuriating when you need help and you can barely understand the person answering your questions. If they are totally unsuccessful enough times, they will be fired and if they have children, they will probably go hungry. I have said many times, “I do not understand you, could you repeat that?”. I try to be COMPASSIONATE to their situation but sometimes it is difficult!

Many times, the most difficult people to be compassionate with are the people closest to us. When we are emotionally close to these people, we tend to expect more from them. We sometimes jump to conclusions. We say hurtful things that we would never say to someone else. This is a very sad feature of human relationships.

Here in the USA, with one of the highest standards of living in the world, we sometimes forget how lucky we are. Yeah, I complain like the rest of you about our dysfunctional government and a dozen other issues but overall, we have it pretty good. Because many of us have a reasonably good life, we should practice being compassionate all of the time, regardless whether it is a person half way around he earth or the person we love. I want all my readers to notice that despite the temptation to do so, I did not bring politics into this discussion.

One last point I learned recently: the Japanese elementary students learn compassion and life skills their first 4 years of school. From what I was told, they do not receive grades. Maybe a good place to start.

The death penalty

That sounds so scary to me. It is something a very small number of people spend any time thinking about. Yes, the media likes to talk about it and when a state has decided to use it, it is big news.

This may sound slightly disconnected but I believe it is a thought worth pursuing. Recently, a friend of mine came home and discovered her cat lying in a strange position on the floor. When she left several hours before, it was lying in a different spot but seemed to be OK. Upon further inspection, it became obvious that the cat could not stand up. The cat’s left eye did not seem right either. It was obvious that the cat was in considerable pain. She called the vet and asked if they could see her promptly and they said to bring the kitty right in. After an inspection, the vet determined that the cat more than likely had a stroke, and due to its age of 15 years, it might be best to relieve her pain and put him down.

The procedure was simple. The vet first gave him a sedative to help relieve the pain and after the cat settled into a relaxed state, administered the euthanasia shot to end the kitty’s suffering. Tears ran down both of our cheeks as we watched kitty leave this world behind.

After this terrible ordeal was over and I had time to collect my thoughts, I began to think of what we call THE DEATH PENALTY. We could debate this issue until the sun falls from the sky and not be any closer to an agreement. Let’s face facts, it is the termination of a human being, there is no other way to define it. The Bible says, “THOUGH SHALT NOT KILL”. It does not offer a list of possible exceptions to this law. The question I pose to you is, “Why is this procedure so much more difficult when it comes to humans?” The five year average number of executions in the USA is 18.6. Each time one of these occur we are blasted by the media with mountains of information on the procedure used to execute the execution! I witnessed an incredibly humane event with the passing of my friend’s cat. Somebody explain to me why it is so different for people. Is the horrible death part of the punishment?

There is no free lunch…ever!

Have you ever had to make a decision where there was no good answer? A decision where no matter what you decided there were bad consequences? We humans are always making these types of decisions. The sad part of this is, we as a species, usually don’t consider all of the outcomes. The bottom line is we are destroying our home/planet according to many scientist and we are not quite ready to move.

Currently the world, consisting of just under 8 billion people, is consuming immense amounts of power. Our energy sources are far and wide.

We burn (our world) about 97 million barrels of oil per day. (42 Gal/barrel)

We burn 132 million cubic feet of natural gas in a year or about 48 cubic feet/person/day

We use about 70,000 metric tons of uranium per year or about 1/2 pound/person/year

Wind and solar add a relatively small amount of energy to the system.

Let’s look at these sources and their benefits and pitfalls.


Close to 40 billion tons of CO2 are released into the air from the burning of fossil fuels. Before fracking, there was minor damage to the onsite environment from oil wells. Fracking has changed all that and currently many communities are struggling with contaminated groundwater issues. Oil extraction in the oceans has created several disasters that are still recovering.


Stripping the land to mine Uranium is a serious problem. Many of these mining sites become contaminated and are not usable after mining has ceased. Water, possibly the most important resource we have, is in peril at any major mining site. It takes enormous amounts of earth to harvest small amounts of uranium. A square kilometer of earth, 30 cm deep, will typically contain a ton or more of uranium, uncovered by strip mining. There also is the problem of disposing of the nuclear waste from the reactor.


Solar panels provide relatively clean energy for up to 25 years. After that they become disposable trash. There is also the problem of manufacturing these panels. Typically it takes about 3 years, depending on sun factors, for a typical solar panel to become carbon neutral. Use of these panels on home sites is a reasonable idea; use of these panels on massive, mega acre plots, is insanity! I compare it to the coal industry strip mining. You bury thousands of metal post in the ground secured by concrete (another bad co2 contributor), strip the land of usable top soil, destroy potential watersheds, spray with herbicides to control plant growth and in 20-odd years, abandon it.


When a large windmill is installed, it requires a 50 ft round base x 10 ft deep concrete pad. When the windmill has reached retirement, that pad of cement will remain in the ground. Very little of the device is recyclable so it ends up in the ground as trash. A typical windmill has a life of about 20-25 years, at which time it becomes trash to be buried.

Like I said in the beginning, there is no free lunch. If we wish to continue on our current path, we will need more and more energy. Fusion seems to be far away, and a few scientists believe it will never happen. I personally believe we will figure it out in the next 10-20 years, but it will take time to move over to a new source of energy. The bottom line is, we need to find our way soon as a world.

Being Human

To say that human invention and progress is like a bull in a china closet is an understatement. From the time we created fire to the present, where we are playing with the physics of the gods, we have had little to no regards for the effects our creativity is having on our home. There is no shortage to the number of examples of rampant development, with virtually no preconceived guidelines before or during the pursuit of anything. Artificial intelligence is the most recent example of this!

I have watched several documentaries on TV lately due to the lovely weather and my climate induced home bound restriction. There is a consistent theme recently. It seems that many mainstream scientists have decided we are “IN” the sixth mass extinction on earth. Just to make sure you are aware, there have been five mass extinctions that have been studied in the fossil history records. Many scientist believe that we are creating our own mass extinction due to our rampant and reckless development! The previous five extinctions were brought on by conditions not attributed to humans. All the way from a large meteor, massive ice ages to extreme volcanic reaction to name a few. Here is the data on the five extinctions:

Extinction Eventmillion years agoPercentage of species lostCause of extinction
End Ordovician44486%Intense glacial and interglacial periods created large sea-level swings and moved shorelines dramatically. The tectonic uplift of the Appalachian mountains created lots of weathering, sequestration of CO2, and with it, changes in climate and ocean chemistry.
Late Devonian36075%Rapid growth and diversification of land plants generated rapid and severe global cooling.
End Permian25096%Intense volcanic activity in Siberia. This caused global warming. Elevated CO2 and sulfur (H2S) levels from volcanoes caused ocean acidification, acid rain, and other changes in ocean and land chemistry.
End Triassic20080%Underwater volcanic activity in the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) caused global warming and a dramatic change in the chemical composition of the oceans.
End Cretaceous6576%Asteroid impact in Yucatán, Mexico. This caused a global cataclysm and rapid cooling. Some changes may have already pre-dated this asteroid, with intense volcanic activity and tectonic uplift.
Current scientific data

Here is what the World Wildlife Fund says:

Just to illustrate the degree of biodiversity loss we’re facing, let’s take you through one scientific analysis…

  • The rapid loss of species we are seeing today is estimated by experts to be between 1,000 and 10,000 times higher than the natural extinction rate.
  • These experts calculate that between 0.01 and 0.1% of all species will become extinct each year.
  • If the low estimate of the number of species out there is true – i.e. that there are around 2 million different species on our planet –  then that means between 200 and 2,000 extinctions occur every year.
  • But if the upper estimate of species numbers is true – that there are 100 million different species co-existing with us on our planet – then between 10,000 and 100,000 species are becoming extinct each year.

These numbers in their lowest form represent a massive extinction rate compared to past extinctions! Since most people do not have a serious desire to make the changes that might prevent the upcoming disaster, there may be little we can do other than sit back and enjoy the ride. One way to think about the upcoming mass extinction is to view it as a house of cards. All living and nonliving things are connected in elaborate ways in our biosphere. As we take out individual cards, the house will begin to try and correct itself but as the destruction continues, the house will fall and our beautiful earth will be gone! We may have already removed too many cards and we are seeing the beginning of the end.

As I stated, it may be too late, but maybe if we really focus on the situation and look for real answers to our problems, we can slow it down and maybe stop it before the damage is too far along. We do not have too many options…

Eyes wide open

I have never heard a person disagree with the idea that life is a winding road. What one learns and believes is constantly changing as we adjust to the tides of living. If a person or group gets stuck in the proverbial mud, they are unable to learn new things, find new pathways or open their eyes to a constantly changing tapestry of life. They become blind to life’s ever changing magnificence.

Recently, I met a person who challenged my beliefs on energy. Mark Haynes, a new friend of mine, made me look inside and question some notions that I felt strongly about. As you may know, I have several solar technologies here at my home. I have a 20 ft X 50 ft hot water solar array that heats my swimming pool 8 months out of the year. In addition I have an heat exchange hot water heater for my domestic hot water. Finally, I have a 20 ft X 50 ft photovoltaic array that provides about 70% of my electric needs here in the house. To say I am a solar enthusiast is probably an understatement. I believe these were all good investments that have lowered my carbon footprint substantially.

Several weeks ago I met Mark Haynes. He told me of a current possibility of a very large solar farm outside of Capon Bridge. For those of you who are unaware, Energix, a large Israeli owned company is considering installing a very large solar voltaic array in the valley just west of Capon Bridge, WV along Route 50. We call these solar farms because of their immense size. When I first saw these solar farms cropping up in other areas I had mixed feeling. I was pleased that we humans were making an attempt at reducing our CO2 footprint but I knew enough to realize that this answer may not be the one we are looking for in the long run. Being well versed in the technology I have learned many positive and negative attributes of solar voltaic energy.


  1. They provide usable electricity to the power grid.
  2. They allow people to survive in areas where there is no power source.
  3. They can be placed on houses, in back yards or most any where you please.
  4. The price of a watt/sq meter is dropping quickly.


  1. Large solar farms can take away valuable farm land and forest for decades which will damage plant and animal habitat, carbon storage, ground water recharge, soil building, scenic beauty and also be a watershed which provides many folks with drinking water.
  2. After these farms have reached their life expectancy, (panels last between 20-25 years) they are very difficult to remove, expensive to recycle and it is very expensive to restore the land
  3. Solar panels only work when the sun is out which may not be when demands are high. Short winter days, snow and cloud cover all effect solar gain.
  4. Solar farms will reduce the absorption of CO2 by the land thus negating some of the reason they were initially installed.
  5. As with all manufactured things, it takes enormous amounts of energy to produce them, which generally releases substantial amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere.
  6. Due to the inherent density of sunlight, geography of the area and the latitude of the site, this solar farm will never operate at peak efficiency and will require massive amount of acreage. Companies always quot the max capacity of the panels which is somewhat misleading.
  7. Most jobs during construction will be filled by employees from out of the area and when the project is finished, will leave. A small team of maybe 5 or 6 will be employed to monitor and maintain the array.
  8. Defoliants (probably ROUNDUP) will be used to keep greenery under control.

Currently the federal government is providing large amounts of money to companies who wish to create these solar farms. Energix is currently exploring the idea of putting in a 500 acre, approximately 50 megawatt array in the area mentioned above. They will make a large amount of money from our tax dollars and we will lose the beauty and serenity associated with farms and forest. Can you imagine many of these projects appearing throughout our county? Below are some pictures of what other projects of this size look like.

Are we ready to give up our beautiful landscapes? If you feel strongly about this abuse of our county land, contact your representative.

I have learned that the state is considering passing a law that would take away a county’s control over these type of issues.

Darren Thorn.

darren.thorne@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3157

Rick Hillenbrand
rick.hillenbrand@wvhouse.gov(304) 340-3176

Who’s side is God on?

If I were a god, and to avoid confusion for some of my readers, I am not, I would be very upset with the abuse of my title. Despite the fact that I am not a god, I am going to make a feeble attempt at speaking for him on this matter. Imagine my voice becoming deep and thunderous.







There you have it, straight from the mind of God…sort of…


That aside, let’s talk about the Republican agenda. There is no doubt the word WOKE, which hardly existed 5 years ago, has become a major battle cry for many right-wingers. Believe me when I say, many Democrats are having a hard time keeping up with the evolving nature of the word. Some of the issues it deals with are: banning certain socially sensitive books, removing certain statues, renaming roads, schools and buildings, changing logos on companies and most important, changing the names of sports teams (that was a little sarcasm). The people involved in this issue believe deeply that they are pursuing a just end. If one takes the time to research these brand names, you will find ample reason to look for an alternate name. When the Washington Redskins decided to change their name, it brought down enormous pressure to not make the change. If you were a Native American, you might see this in a different light after what our ancestors did to a peaceful rural society during America’s early years.

Many of the statues of civil war southern military leaders have interesting history as well. Some historians believe they were placed to remind the negro population of the white man’s dominate rule. The number of these statues in the south is rather large. It is claimed that more than 2,100 Confederate symbols (including 704 statues) are still present in public places presently in the south. 167 have been modified or removed. Through my eyes this may not be a problem but to a black man in this country, it is a problem.

Book banning is a very touchy issue. I do believe, and I have said it many times, our children see too much graphic information at too early of an age. I believe 99% of the parents in this country would agree that there should be limits on what a child should have access to in any form whether it is via a phone, book or TV. I THINK WE ALL AGREE ON THIS! Books, movies and most everything have an age appropriate rating and I believe this is a good idea. I hope you realize that big business sees young people as future markets. If you think their interest are altruistic, you are living in the stone age. Social media is said to have made 11 BILLION dollars from minors last year alone! You tube estimates almost a BILLION dollars in profit from 12 and under last year.

With a mass shooting occurring almost every day, I welcome ideas on what we should do. The second amendment was designed to protect our rights to own a gun, not an arsenal. It was mainly a way to allow the public to bear arms in case of an invasion. The writers of the constitution did not have the ability to envision the weapons of today. Folks, we have a problem! No one is totally safe with people who have serious mental problems owning advanced military weapons. The hope is that none of my readers ever have to deal with this type of assault.

Our world must learn to accept people who have different values than our own. If a person is gay, it is their business. Our constitution says all men (and women understood) are created equal, this includes people that do not line up with our beliefs or do not bring us bodily harm or infringe on our rights.

So there you have it, the Republican agenda. These are not simple issues and need to be hashed out to create meaningful and sensitive legislation. Right now they are political talking points meant to rile up the opposition. In my mind our country faces many more pressing, complex issues that are being pushed to the back while we argue over these issues. America is a country of diverse beliefs and ethnic differences. We must learn to embrace our uniqueness and love our neighbors.